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Foundry Engineer

38 years old
Driving License
Professional Status
Open to opportunities
About Me

First of all, i would like to thank you for your interest in my professional profile and I invite you to browse all the tabs on this website. Whether the goal is to create a partnership together or share a possible job offer, I remain available for any additional information.

Citizen of the world, I am open to all proposals. France, Europe or Worldwide... my only two criteria for start a new challenge : a challenge is interesting and a possibility of development for me and my future colleagues.

The foundry world is small, do not hesitate to share the address of this CV with your colleagues or various contacts in the world of metallurgy.

Hoping to have the opportunity to work together one day.

Provide trainees with the operating mode and process parameters in pressure casting
• Know the limits and advantages of the die casting process
• Understand the design principles of die casting parts and provide the basics regarding layout rules
• Better deal with non-quality aspects and know how to analyze the different causes of defects in pressure casting



November 2022
CATIA V5 Basic Mechanical Design Training (5 days)
Mastery of SPC systems, implementation and interpretation

PSC1 - IRR - European First aid certificate

Croix rouge Française

April 2016
The French Red Cross now includes in PSC 1 training the introduction to risk reduction (IRR) which aims to reduce the vulnerability of individuals to individual and collective disasters.
Details and Extracurriculars
    Accident situations are covered in eight modules:ProtectionThe alertThe victim chokesThe victim is bleeding profuselyThe victim is unconsciousThe victim is not breathingThe victim complains of feeling unwellThe victim complains after a trauma (wound, burn, damage to bones and joints, etc.)

    INTRODUCTION TO RISK REDUCTIONIncluded in the PSC 1 training, the introduction to risk reduction (IRR), lasting approximately one hour, aims to make individuals aware of their vulnerability to an individual or collective disaster and make people think about implementing a family self-protection plan.
    On the program for this initiation:Awareness of the existence of risks.How to find out about major risksHow to alert emergency servicesHow to react in the event of an alertRescue actionsFamily instructionsBasic needsThe “Catakit”Development of a Family Self-Protection Plan, a concept developed by the French Red Cross and the European Union.

Use ATAS software - Thermal analysis


January 2015
Handling, conduct and interpretation of thermal analyzes carried out via the ATAS software developed by Inometal.

Castings: design and conception rules

Cyclatef Actifor

May 2010
Details and Extracurriculars
  • Today the quality requirements imposed by customers on cast alloy parts are particularly strict; but do they always fully understand the possibilities and limits that the foundry offers? Do they know the founder's constraints in terms of feasibility of a molded part? You, designers and customers of the foundry, are faced with your own constraints: development deadlines, optimization of the layout of the parts, realization of your projects
    at the right price. This course is for you. For some it will allow you to learn, and for others, to improve your skills in foundry techniques in general and more particularly in the usage properties of alloys, various casting processes, recent design and layout methods. molded parts. This session aims to answer questions asked by the designer, such as: What molding process should I use to make my part? What alloy and what grade, taking into account the various stresses to which the part is subjected in service? How to optimize your foundry layout? What minimum achievable thickness can I impose without fear of additional cost for my part? What should a specification contain?

    The main themes covered are:
    • General principles of design and layout of a foundry part: expression of the need, geometric definition of the functional part, of the foundry part and optimization of its layout, contribution of computer tools (CAD, CAD, CFAO), simulation mechanics and thermo-mechanics.
    • Presentation of the different molding and coring processes
      (Technological aspect), special, recent and/or innovative processes.
    • Help in choosing processes: advantages and disadvantages, relative costs, association: processes/alloys and ~processes/series.
    • Help with the choice of alloys
    • The molded part: drafts, machining allowances, precisions and tolerances, surface conditions. The fundamental rules for drawing the raw part. Numerical methods of design and simulation in foundry. Rapid prototyping techniques (representativeness of prototype parts).
    • Foundry tools (classification and design principles).
    • Assistance in drafting specifications (standardization and company specifications, etc.). Receipt checks (dimensional, MTAO, destructive and non-destructive).
    • Examples of production (comparative aspect). Case studies.

    • Visit to the AFC Foundry (Redon)
      Michel OMETZ (CTIF)
      André LE NEZE (Renault SAS)
      William LEGRAND (AFC)

Preparation and heat treatment of steels

Cyclatef Actifor

October 2009
Trainning code AC F042
Details and Extracurriculars
  • At the end of this training, trainees will have acquired the necessary knowledge to:
    -Master the production of steel and the carrying out of heat treatments.
    -Define and implement development methods adapted to their needs.
    -Determine the heat treatment conditions and achieve the required level of requirements.
    -The main families of steels and their metallographic structure.
    -The production of steel in the arc furnace.
    -The production of steel in the induction furnace.-Secondary metallurgy (ladle – AOD – empty).
    -Ladle and mold casting.
    -The different types of heat treatments.
    -The practical conditions for carrying out heat treatments.
    -Concrete and practical illustrations : Mancelle de Fonderie

    -MASSON Jean-Marcel (CTIF)
    -PLACE Jean-Louis (ESFF)
    -BOUVET Daniel (CTIF)
    -SAVERNA Joël (Manoir Industries)
    • Visit to the Mancelle de Fonderie
Details and Extracurriculars
  • This session aims to study all manufacturing non-conformities. These in fact have a very significant impact on the cost price of the parts. It is therefore fundamental that all those involved in the life of a foundry know how to fight against 'rejects' and poor workmanship. Study the different causes of non-compliance, the influence of development conditions and process control, but also the remedies to apply:
    Structural defects : Quenching defect,Graphite form,Inappropriate structures,Inclusions, oxidized cast iron and dross.Problems due to endogenous and exogenous gases (breath, stings, etc.).Compactness problems due to shrinkage:microporosities,sinkholes.Mold/metal reactions:watering, vitrification, scabs, checks,…Concrete and practical illustrations in business: KUHN Foundry

    • Visit to the KUHN Foundry in Saverne (67)Facilitators:A. COLBAUT (CTIF)P. SADON (Consultant)
Details and Extracurriculars
  • At the end of this session, trainees will be able to:
    • to detect the main defects encountered in cast steel parts,- to identify the origin: metallurgy, reaction with the mold, unsuitable heat treatment, poor welding conditions,- to define corrective actions intended to eliminate the causes of non-quality.

    After a review of steel metallurgy, it will be examined:
    • The classification of defects according to their shape,
    • Their formation mechanism, their identification and the means to combat them according to their origin:
    • Defects linked to solidification and molding: sinking, cracks, blowholes, pitting, inclusions, - Defects due to heat treatment and welding.
    • Consequences of defects on the mechanical strength of parts.
    • The facilitators will place particular emphasis on the investigation method in order to clearly identify the anomaly and eliminate the causes of non-quality.
      A significant part of the session will be reserved for quality management to develop improvement methods and actions.

    Concrete and practical illustrations in business: La Fonderie Charollaise

    P DIANO (Aréva)

Metallurgical engineer and mechanic Specialty Foundry and Forging

Ecole Supérieure de Fonderie et de Forge (ESFF) & Institut Supérieur de Mécanique de Paris

September 2006 to September 2009
The ESFF is the most advanced training available in the field of foundry and forging.
Thanks to its proximity to industries and the Technical Center for Foundry Industries (CTIF), the ESFF graduates around twenty engineers each year.
You will find a quick description by following the following link: http://www.esff.fr/vocation.html
Visit the ESFF and SUPMECA websites:
Details and Extracurriculars
  • The modules covered are very comprehensive, ranging from thermodynamics to heat treatments of forging dies through digital simulation. Of course, the techniques of molding, metal production, the science of solidification and mechanics are taught in a very advanced manner thanks to a teaching staff of very high quality, made up of speakers chosen from: the major schools (Supméca , ECP, ENSAM, ENSCP, CNAM...), universities (Paris XI Orsay, Versailles...) and research centers (CTIF, CREAS...)

Recycling based on pace judgment

OAI - Organisation Applications Industrielles

February 2014
Details and Extracurriculars
  • Reminder of the elementary times methodAnalyze an operating modeBreakdown: ELTRAS and topsMeasurement: chrono-analysisWeighting of time measurement: Judgment of Efficiency - Judgment of PaceReminder on work measurement tools: Know how to use the right method for: Short cycles - Long cycles - Random tasksReminder of determining the allocated timeApplication of physiological coefficients: position, effort, duration, man/woman, temperature, humidity, etc.Know how to deal with hazards

Study an ergonomic and productive WORKSTATION - TIMING

COGITE Atlantique

March 2012 to May 2012
Training in 3 phases over 6.5 days
Details and Extracurriculars
  • Phase 1: Discover the station diagnosis process, Know the constitution of unit times, Measure times by timing, Long cycle on a manual station, Understand the station optimization process
  • Phase 2: Measuring times by timing, Short cycle, Understanding Human/Machine timing
  • Phase 3: Presentation of job studies carried out between sessions and validation
Details and Extracurriculars
  • Regulations and Responsibilities:
    -Understand the key points of the Health and Safety regulations at work and know how to look for a regulatory reference in the new Labor Code
    -Identify moral responsibilities in terms of Health and Safety obligations and risk prevention, its action levers and interactions with their prevention stakeholders.

    Managerial Actions:
    -Become aware of the different factors that cause risk and classify these factors
    -Precisely identify risks with Tolerance 0, identify the duty to alert in this case
    -To be put in a situation with attitudes to take in the presence of a risk taken by a collaborator, by an external person, by the hierarchy.

Mechanical Engineer SUPMECA (in partnership with ESFF)

SUPMECA - Institut Supérieur de Mécanique de Paris

September 2006 to September 2009
Diploma awarded following the partnership with the Ecole Supérieure de Fonderie et de Forge.

BTS Shaping of Cast Alloys (MFAM or Gravity Foundry)

Lycée Gustave EIFFEL d'Armentières (59).

September 2004 to June 2006
  • Winner of the Second best result in FRANCE when taking the BTS MFAM exam

The industrial theme addressed at the end of the BTS focused on the comparison of the modifying flows of Aluminum-Silicon Alloys. Strontium was compared to Sodium, the technical aspects (implementation, lifespan, influence on the mechanical characteristics in traction, resilience and on the microstructure) were addressed as well as the economic factor.
Details and Extracurriculars
  • Training provided over two years after the Baccalaureate and including an internship in a company lasting 10 to 11 weeks. The subjects taught are partly common to all sections of the BTS, all supplemented by learning techniques specific to the foundry. The science of molding sands, quality, metallurgy and mechanics play an important part in the course. Everything is supported by numerous practical exercises carried out independently with high quality equipment. 3 induction furnaces for cast iron, aluminum and copper, a sand factory supplying green sand to a mechanized molding site and a hand molding site... a sand factory for chemical setting sand... everything has been implemented to to provide quality training.

BAC STI Materials Engineering

Lycée Gustave Eiffel d'Armentières (59)

September 2002 to June 2004
Training provided over two years, it focuses on the study of metallic, ceramic and plastic materials and their methods of implementation.
Gravity foundry, plastic injection and ceramic manufacturing are covered during courses and practical work. Composite materials, industrial design, mechanics and physical metallurgy are also being studied.