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Foundry Engineer

38 years old
Driving License
Professional Status
Open to opportunities
About Me

First of all, i would like to thank you for your interest in my professional profile and I invite you to browse all the tabs on this website. Whether the goal is to create a partnership together or share a possible job offer, I remain available for any additional information.

Citizen of the world, I am open to all proposals. France, Europe or Worldwide... my only two criteria for start a new challenge : a challenge is interesting and a possibility of development for me and my future colleagues.

The foundry world is small, do not hesitate to share the address of this CV with your colleagues or various contacts in the world of metallurgy.

Hoping to have the opportunity to work together one day.


Recycling based on pace judgment

OAI - Organisation Applications Industrielles

February 2014
Details and Extracurriculars
  • Reminder of the elementary times methodAnalyze an operating modeBreakdown: ELTRAS and topsMeasurement: chrono-analysisWeighting of time measurement: Judgment of Efficiency - Judgment of PaceReminder on work measurement tools: Know how to use the right method for: Short cycles - Long cycles - Random tasksReminder of determining the allocated timeApplication of physiological coefficients: position, effort, duration, man/woman, temperature, humidity, etc.Know how to deal with hazards